Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Lost in Translation?

I got lost today.

Frankie and I were supposed to go out to a factory to do some recon on their lighting systems. The place was between Frankie's and the office so we were to meet there. Here is the address I had:

1522 9E Rang Simpson

So I drive along until I come to a road marked "3 Rang Simpson" and I turn down it hoping the number at the front will increase as I drive. The first house I pass is number 220 so I have a ways to go. I drive and drive and eventually come to 1518 and the next place is 1602. Damnit! I circle back and drive slow and, no, there is nothing between 1518 and 1602. Luckily I left pretty early (knowing I am prone to getting lost.)

I get back to the main road and drive and drive and drive and pass a total of 3 streets that head off to the south, one of which is marked "6 Rang Cant-recall". This makes me hopeful that somewhere eventually there is a "9 Rang". And after about 10 miles there is!

So I turn down "9 Rang Simpson" and the first place is number 2248 so I drive and drive, and realize that I'm now going to be a minute or two late, so I call Frankie to let him know whats happening. He tells me that he's only just turned onto Simpson so he's actually behind me, no worries. Finally, 6 miles later I come to 1576 and then 1544 and then 1500.... Dammit! Not again!

Call Frankie- "Okay once again I am on the wrong road... It's 9E Rang Simpson?" "Oh, no. Sorry I should have checked your map, its 10 Rang Simpson." Hang up. Obscenities.

All the way back to the main road. The next street is Rue St-Someone and the next one is 10 Rang Simpson, and after I drove 6 miles down there actually was a 1522. So in the 14 miles encompassing my first wrong turn and my correct turn there were a total of 6 roads, half of which were called Rang Simpson!!!!!!!!!

Canadia is Stupid. That was so not my fault.


miranda. said...

I agree. Canada is stupid. I'm singing the "Blame Canada" song from the South Park movie in my head right now.

Kerry said...

The ironic thing is that Rang Sampson was actually a famous explorer, known for his impeccible sense of direction.