Thursday, May 31, 2007

It Takes a Village

I read "It Takes a Village" by Hillary.

Kerry: "On purpose?"

Ha, ha. The madre got it when she saw Hill speak in Chi-town so I stole it and read it.

It didn't make me hate her. Its all about the importance of supporting and educating children. Its about half political, half uber-sentimental with splashes of science mixed in for effect.

I actually felt like I was learning, there was a lot of sciency studies about how babies and chilluns learn and how most parents (as you may have expected) are clueless about parenting. Mrs. Clinton put forth a lot of reasonable, realistic strategies for helping our youth and makes a good argument for the importance of this from political, moral, and economic standpoints.

The book also didn't make me want to vote Hillary into the White House. I
think she'd make an excellent Cabinet member, Secretary of Education or something.

So the book was enjoyable, I cried through the first four chapters because they were all heart-wrenching tales of Hil's orphaned mother and Bill's abusive step-father and what being a mother means to her. Its pretty much the kind of stuff that makes women of all ages go all to pieces. It settles down though and the last 2/3rds are less of a sob-fest.

One entertaining aspect was noticing how very dated it is. It was written while Hil was in the White House so its only like 12-yrs old, but all of her hope-filled-promise-of-a-better-tomorrow-things-are-already-improving plans are non-existant today and things have very obviously gotten worse. Also she used the word out-sourcing and put it in "quotes" and then defined it. Because its a new-fangled idea that no one understands. Hahahahahhahahah. Awesome.

So I rate this book readable, but Hil should update it or something. Do a part 2 thats angry and bitter. That would be fantastic.

**Note: I'm double posting this on Heartwarming Stories for the sake of consistency on the literature goals for the year.

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