Thursday, May 17, 2007


Yesterday I met Francois. He's like my boss. Or colleague. Anyway its just him and me on the project at work.

And readers (mom in particular) you are going to like Francois.

Firstly, within an hour of meeting him he mentioned that the only reason he and his wife are married is so she and their children could come to the states when he was working there. Terribly romantic. He also told me an elaborate story about these rings engineers in Quebec get when they graduate (which I've seen a lot of really old guys wearing) and then he immediately whispered to me that he thinks its really pretentious, he only wears his because his boss does too.

So I'm putting Frankie (yay nicknames!) at 39-42 he's got 2 chilluns (middle school age) and he's been working at AMETVS for 45 days. He may have been hired the same day as me. Before this week he wasn't sure his project would be funded past mid-July. I was a good sign. I'm a little concerned about this kind of thing.

Anyway, the very, very best thing about Frankie is this:

He's a bass player.

In a Band.

Like a Rock Band.

This will entertain me for years. Or at least the duration of the summer. Particularly if I get to go see them play. Apparently they have a regular gig somewhere. Oh yeah.

In Grey's news: I watched last weeks on TV links, saw through the opening credits of this week's at which point my housemate (in an obvious attempt to get me to kill him) refused to let me continue watching unless I cleaned the stove on the commercial break. "Fine. I'm going to bed. Good night."

Why do people want me to be angry?


miranda. said...

So do you speak french yet?

And did I tell you that I tried to call you at the number on my cell but a french robot woman was saying something to me but the only part I understood was "something something ONE something something TWO..." because I only speak French enough to recogize numbers.

Anonymous said...

LOL! maybe I'll call and translate for everybody. I LOVE that you're in a french speaking country.